Pampamesayok Shaman School
Ancient Wisdom for Empowered Modern Living
Awaken Your Authentic Self
Reclaim Life in a Loving Community
Take the Journey of Your Becoming
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Join the growing Pampamesayok community!
“This way of the Shaman is just incredible. Taking this path of transformation has invited me to return, with a great deal of courage, to the core essence of who I really am beyond all the stuff for which I had attached my identity and self worth. Stephen, you and your fellow teachers offer support and guidance like I have never ever encountered before. And you created an environment that allowed me and all my dear ayllu brothers and sisters to grow and empowered community that really knows the meaning of love, compassion and service. I am deeply grateful.”
For over 40 years, Dr. Alberto Villoldo, Marcela Lobos and The Four Winds Society Institute for Energy Medicine has been dedicated to preserving and teaching these shamanic wisdom traditions. More than 10,000 students have been expertly trained through their professional Healing the Light Body Medicine Wheel program in the practice of Shamanism and Energy Medicine. As a psychologist and medical anthropologist, Alberto has studied directly with Amazon and Andean shamans for over 40 years, learning and personally growing with these healing practices of the ancient Americas. (www.thefourwinds.com)
“The journey of the Four Winds represents an ancient formula for transformation: shed the past that restrains us, confront and overcome the fears of the future and death that paralyze us, and we may live fully in the present; apply the skills learned along the way to access a sea of consciousness as vast as time itself, then find a vehicle for expressing the experience with beauty and living as a caretaker of the Earth.”
Shaman Peace Warrior's
Ancient Earth Keeper Tradition
of Love and Light
“The classes were insightful and empowering. It is a journey of self-transformation I highly recommend. Yes, it was challenging, and it took courage to look in myself to change or let go of things within myself that no longer served me.
The real, true, you, is a powerful loving and giving spirit. Why not let that be free to express itself?
I have eternal gratitude to my 11 new sisters and 3 brothers I gained on this journey we shared and supported each other in. ”
Dear Prospective Students,
The joyous and heartfelt words "Welcome Home" greet hundreds of our students as they return to the classroom session after session making their journey around the medicine wheel. In the spaces between classes they gather for ceremonial fires, despachos, rite of passage blessings and numerous other community celebrations. They are truly there for each other as loving brothers and sisters in what has been affectionately called 'Shaman school'.
Now, an amazing opportunity is being presented to bring this ancient Andean shamanic wisdom tradition directly to the community where you live. It is a certified, professional, year and a half training program, offered and grounded in a personal healing format for a powerful transformational journey, allowing graduates to step forth into the life of their dreams and a deep commitment of service to the earth and all her beings.
I have been a witness and co-supporter to the founding of multiple self sustaining and loving communities like this. In the high mountains of the Andes, where I receive these wisdom traditions I share, they call these sacred communities an Ayllu (pronounced I - YOU). Ayllu means 'the family that loves, knows and sweetly holds you as a sacred expression of the living creation'. This is that place of "welcome home" that will greet your soul and help you remember who you really are and who you are becoming.
“Thank you Stephen for the incredible depth of your support through my year of re-creating my world. I had hidden away so much of myself in the heaviness of life events and family dramas. And now, not only do I have the freedom of incredibly clear energy, I have a whole community of very loving fellow students to celebrate the gift of life with.”
“Thank you Stephen for your courageous guidance this whole past year.
I have effectively dropped those limiting beliefs that held me to such a small vision of my life.
To go from lost to found and be supported by our community of love is the miracle that called me into this path of the Shaman.
I am truly free.”
My colleagues and I have a passionate desire to support people in responding to their call to heal themselves, and to dreaming a nourishing new world into being. We are deeply dedicated to preserving the ancient shamanic wisdom path while warmly extending an invitation to those select individuals to join us in co-creating conscious, supportive transformation in the world.
This starts with you. Humans are powerful dreamers.
The wisdom keepers say we are dreaming the world into being with our very thoughts. So as you step into a personal pathway that helps you align your consciousness with love, the world transforms around you.
This is the way of the shaman.
For thousands of years, the Laika, high shaman of the Andes, have been keepers of the ancient rites and wisdom teachings. These medicine women and men believe that if it were not for their stewardship of the Earth through prayers and ceremony, certain gateways to our collective destiny would be lost forever.
In deepest of respect, this is why I answered the call. So to all my beloved teachers, colleagues, and students AND to the unbroken lineage of medicine women and men that have come before us, and to those that will come after us, because we stepped in and said yes to an awakened life, I say thank you.
I look forward to hearing from you. A warm welcome home.
Walk in Beauty,
Stephen M. Feely
Stephen Feely with the Paqos from the Peruvian Andes welcome you to the way of the shaman as Earth Keepers and Peace Warriors.
Sacred Expeditions to Peru
Do you want to go to the source of the inspiration for our school of shamanism? Do you want to immerse yourself in the magic and wonder of Peruvian mystical traditions?
Join our spiritual expeditions, for a unique journey of a lifetime, specially crafted for students of shamanism and/or energy medicine.
More Expressions of Gratitude from our Students
“Being part of this shaman school is absolutely the coolest thing I have ever done.
I feel very powerful.
...Greeting each day with the awareness of no separation is total well being for me.
I love a life of no drama and deep peace. Aho my brother.”
“It is so startling to realize the level of loneliness I felt before embarking on this path of shamanism.
Now I am so joyfully plugged in to love and life and the great relationship with the earth and sky and stars that lives in my very being.
This is my home now, blessed by the wisdom of everything”